75th Anniversary of the UNITED NATIONS

Leaving no one behind

The Vatican’s interest in the UN goes all the way back to the beginning, since the Holy See had representatives on the ground when the charter for the new planetary body was signed in San Francisco on October 24,1945.  Since then, regardless of the disagreements, the Vatican’s relationship with the UN has been overwhelmingly collaborative, and they have sought to engage with nations on key areas of human interest.

(Elise Harris, Senior Correspondent cruxnow.com, 11 January 2019).

Holy Father, your clear moral voice shines through – whether you are speaking out on the plight of the most vulnerable, including refugees and migrants… confronting poverty and inequalities … appealing for disarmament… building bridges between communities …and, of course, highlighting the climate emergency through your historic encyclical, ‘Laudato Si’, and so many other vital efforts…  

These messages coincide with the core values of the United Nations Charter – namely to reaffirm the dignity and worth of the human person, to promote love of people and care for our planet, to uphold our common humanity and protect our common home. Our world needs that more than ever.

U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres following meeting with Pope Francis. 
20 December 2019


Make each person, each nation, an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let them sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.

Adapted from the Prayer of St. Francis

Confidence in dialogue between people and between nations, in multilateralism, is the role of international organizations in diplomacy as a tool for understanding, and understanding is indispensable for building a peaceful world.

Pope Francis in joint video message with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.
(December 20, 2019)

Images retrieved from:
Google – royalty free
Patrick Royer. Liturgie Mille images d’Eglise
Ms. Natividad de los Santos. Original photos.

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